All SFI Seed Mixes
CAHL1 | AHL1 | AB1 - 1 Year Nectar Flower Mix (FS4/A)
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £107.00 | £5.35/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £101.00 | £5.05/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £96.00 | £4.80/kg |
CAHL2 | AHL2 | AB9 - 1 Year Wild Bird Mix: Cereal Free (FS10/CFX)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL2 CAHL2
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB9
- Provides food source for important farmland birds during the winter months
- One year mixture, Spring or Summer sown
- Suitable for later sowings and patching in failed crops
Sowing rate: 8-10kg/ha (added to c.40kg cereals) or 15-20kg/ha (as a standalone mix)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides an important food source and small seeds for farmland birds during the Autumn and Winter, in particular Grey Partridges. Flowering plants will also attract beneficial insects and pollinators.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB9
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £72.00 | £3.60/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £68.00 | £3.40/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £64.00 | £3.20/kg |
CAHL2 | AHL2 | AB9 - 1 Year Wild Bird Mix: Finch and Bunting (FS10/FCB)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides an important food source and small seeds for farmland birds during the Autumn and Winter, in particular Finches and Corn Bunting. Flowering plants will also attract beneficial insects and pollinators.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB9
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £52.00 | £2.60/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £49.00 | £2.45/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £46.00 | £2.30/kg |
CAHL2 | AHL2 | AB9 - 2 Year Wild Bird Mix: Grey Partridge (FS10/GP)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides an important food source and small seeds for farmland birds during the Autumn and Winter, in particular Grey Partridges. Flowering plants will also attract beneficial insects and pollinators.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB9
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £57.00 | £2.85/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £54.00 | £2.70/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £51.00 | £2.55/kg |
CSAM2 | SAM2 | SOH4 - EnviroSeeds Grabber Cover Crop Seed Mixture
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM2 CSAM2 SOH4
- Suppresses weeds and conditions soil
- Prevents soil erosion and scavenges nitrogen
- Vetch continues to fix nitrogen even when soil temperatures fall
- Can also be packed in 500kg bags
Mixture Details
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £48.00 | £1.92/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £45.00 | £1.80/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £43.00 | £1.72/kg |
CSAM2 | SAM2 | SOH4 - EnviroSeeds Winter Revivor Cover Crop Mixture
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM2 CSAM2 SOH2 SOH3 SOH4
- Winter hardy species with high levels of organic matter
- Varying rooting depths
- Fixes and catches nitrogen
Sowing rate: 25kg/ha
Mixture Details
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £60.00 | £2.40/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £57.00 | £2.28/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £54.00 | £2.16/kg |
CAHL1 | AHL1 | AB1 - 3 Year Nectar Flower Mix: Standard (FS4)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Helps to boost essential food sources for beneficial pollinators such as Bumblebees, Solitary Bees, Butterflies and Hoverflies by establishing areas of flowering, nectar-rich plants.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB1
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £127.00 | £6.35/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £120.00 | £6.00/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £114.00 | £5.70/kg |
CAHL3 | AHL3 | AB3 - Buffer Strip and Beetle Bank with cocksfoot (FS8)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL3 CAHL3 AHL4 CAHL4 IGL3 CIGL3 AHW3
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
- Ideal for the creation of 2 metre tussocky grass ridges
- Beetle banks should run from one side of an arable field to the the other
Mixture Details
Mixture Details
Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Proving nesting and foraging habitats for a range of beneficial insects, pollinators, small mammals and farmland birds.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £122.00 | £6.10/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £115.00 | £5.75/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £109.00 | £5.45/kg |
CAHL3 | AHL3 | AB3 - Beetle Bank AB3 without cocksfoot (FS9)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL3 CAHL3 AHL4 CAHL4 IGL3 CIGL3 AHW3
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4
- Provides nesting habitats for insects and farmland birds
- Dense cover for invertebrates and pollinators
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Mixture Details
Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Proving nesting and foraging habitats for a range of beneficial insects, pollinators, small mammals and farmland birds.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £122.00 | £6.10/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £115.00 | £5.75/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £109.00 | £5.45/kg |
CAHL3 | AHL3 | AB3 - Species Rich Wild Grass Mix (FS11)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Proving nesting and foraging habitats for a range of beneficial insects, pollinators, small mammals and farmland birds.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £147.00 | £7.35/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £139.00 | £6.95/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £132.00 | £6.60/kg |
CIPM2 | IPM2 | AB8 - Flower Rich Margin & Plots (FS1)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides habitat and foraging sites for pollinators, farmland birds and invertebrates - these include Yellowhammers, Bumblebees, Solitary Bees and Hoverflies.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB8 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £127.00 | £6.35/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £120.00 | £6.00/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £114.00 | £5.70/kg |
CIPM2 | IPM2 | AB8 - Wildflower Meadow Seed (FS3)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM2 CIPM2
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB8 GS4 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
- Nectar rich habitat for insects and small mammals
- Includes wider range of grass, legumes and wildflowers
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides habitat and foraging sites for pollinators, farmland birds and invertebrates - these include Yellowhammers, Bumblebees, Solitary Bees and Hoverflies.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB8 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £222.00 | £11.10/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £210.00 | £10.50/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £199.00 | £9.95/kg |
CNUM3 | NUM3 | AB15 - 1-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow (FS6)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: NUM3 (static) CNUM3 NUM2 CNUM2
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
- For schemes that began in 2021 onwards
- Provides an abundant supply of nectar-rich flowers to attract beneficial insects
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides a rich source of pollen and nectar for pollinators including Bumblebees, Solitary Bees, Butterflies and Hoverflies. As well as invertebrate chick food for farmland birds between April and July.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
- For schemes that began in 2021 onwards
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £137.00 | £6.85/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £130.00 | £6.50/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £123.00 | £6.15/kg |
CNUM3 | NUM3 | AB15 - 1-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow with Ryegrass (FS6/G)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: NUM3 (static) CNUM3 NUM2 CNUM2
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
- Ryegrass reduces flowering blackgrass whilst providing an abundant supply of nectar-rich flowers to attract beneficial insects
- Also available with Timothy or Strong Creeping Red Fescue.
Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha
Mixture Details
Mixture Details
Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
Provides a rich source of pollen and nectar for pollinators including Bumblebees, Solitary Bees, Butterflies and Hoverflies. As well as invertebrate chick food for farmland birds between April and July. Inclusive of Ryegrass aimed at reducing blackgrass populations.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
- For schemes that began in 2021 onwards
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £121.00 | £6.05/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £114.00 | £5.70/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £108.00 | £5.40/kg |
CSAM3 | SAM3 | GS4 - Herbal Ley (FS2)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM3 CSAM3
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
- A mixture containing grasses, legumes, herbs, and wildflowers
- Provides habitat and food for beneficial insects and pollinators
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
A vigorous sward that's inclusive of legumes and herbs, suitable for productive cattle and sheep. Also providing habitat and food for invertebrates and pollinators as well as improving soil structure and water infiltration.
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £127.00 | £6.35/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £120.00 | £6.00/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £114.00 | £5.70/kg |
CSAM3 | SAM3 | GS4 - Overseeding Herbal Ley (FS2/O)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM3 CSAM3
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
- Suitable for overseeding leys for SAM3 providing the existing grass sward has over 5 grass species in
Mixture Details
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £197.00 | £9.85/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £187.00 | £9.35/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £177.00 | £8.85/kg |
AHW1 / AB16 Autumn Sown Bumble Bird Mixture (FS7/A)
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Countryside Stewardship
Countryside Stewardship
- Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS8, GS14, AB16
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £82.00 | £4.10/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £77.00 | £3.85/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £73.00 | £3.65/kg |
CIPM3 | IPM3 - Fix and Protect Companion Crop Seed Mixture
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3 CIPM3
- Nitrogen fixing properties
- No regrowth with frost tender varieties
- Rapid germination and establishment
Sowing rate: 10kg/ha
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Mixture Details
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £86.00 | £4.30/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £81.00 | £4.05/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £77.00 | £3.85/kg |
CIPM3 | IPM3 - Shielder Companion Crop Seed Mixture
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3 CIPM3
- A strong odour to deter flea beetle
- Large, dense canopy to disguise the OSR crops
- Deep taproots to encourage rapid establishment
Sowing rate: 10kg/ha
Mixture Details
Mixture Details
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £76.00 | £3.80/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £72.00 | £3.60/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £68.00 | £3.40/kg |
Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3 CIPM3
- Provides a natural odour to deter predators on young OSR crops
- A quick-growing annual which is easily taken out by frosts
- Sow from July to September
- Nitrogen-fixing properties
- Commonly grown alongside OSR as a companion crop
Sowing rate: 10kg/ha
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £74.00 | £2.96/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £70.00 | £2.80/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £66.00 | £2.64/kg |
TABOR Berseem Clover Seed (Trifolium alexandrinum)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3 CIPM3
- Fast-growing, single-cut variety quickly taken out by frosts to avoid further regrowth
- Can be used as a short term cover crop or companion crop
- Nitrogen fixing legume
- Not frost tolerant and can be compatible with other legumes and grasses
Sowing rate: 15kg/ha
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £90.00 | £6.00/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £85.00 | £5.67/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £81.00 | £5.40/kg |
FS Silage and Haylage - 1-2 Year Ley Grass Seed Mixture
Mixture Details
Mixture Details
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £51.00 | £3.64/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £48.00 | £3.43/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £45.00 | £3.21/kg |
FS Cutter - 2-3 Year Ley Grass Seed Mixture
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £55.00 | £3.93/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £52.00 | £3.71/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £49.00 | £3.50/kg |
FS Cutter Plus - 3-4 Year Ley Grass Seed Mixture
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £80.00 | £5.71/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £76.00 | £5.43/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £72.00 | £5.14/kg |
FS Cut and Graze - 3-5 Year Ley Mixture (without Clover) Grass Seed Mixture
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2 CIGL2
- Includes a blend of both diploid and tetraploid ryegrass varieties
- Dual purpose mixture suitable for cutting and grazing
- Available with clover for improved palatability
- Can withstand heavy traffic with a dense sward
Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details
Mixture Details
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £63.00 | £4.50/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £59.00 | £4.21/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £56.00 | £4.00/kg |
FS Haymaker - 3-5 Year Ley Grass Seed Mixture
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Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £69.00 | £4.93/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £65.00 | £4.64/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £62.00 | £4.43/kg |
LIFAGO Buckwheat Seed (Fagopyrum tataricum)
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3 CIPM3
- Faster and more vigorous growth than other Buckwheat varieties
- Provides a larger leaf canopy
- Dense canopy to provide physical shelter from flea beetle
- Rapid establishment and vigour
- Scavenges phosphates from the soil for future crops
Sowing rate: 10kg/ha
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £75.00 | £3.00/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £71.00 | £2.84/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £67.00 | £2.68/kg |
This item is currently unavailable |
CIPM3 | IPM3 - Beetle Blaster Companion Crop Seed Mixture
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3 CIPM3
- Frost sensitive varieties to guarantee no regrowth
- Nutrient scavaging and N fixing properties
- High vigour and rapid establishment
Sowing rate: 10kg/ha
Mixture Details
Mixture Details
Pack | Pack Price | ||
1-4 | £58.00 | £2.90/kg | |
5-20 | Save 5% | £55.00 | £2.75/kg |
21+ | Save 10% | £52.00 | £2.60/kg |
This item is currently unavailable |