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CNUM3 | NUM3 | AB15 - 1-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow with Ryegrass (FS6/G)

CNUM3 | NUM3 | AB15 - 1-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow with Ryegrass (FS6/G)
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £121.00 £6.05/kg
5-20 Save 5% £114.00 £5.70/kg
21+ Save 10% £108.00 £5.40/kg
Next Day Delivery
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: NUM3 (static) CNUM3 NUM2 CNUM2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • Ryegrass reduces flowering blackgrass whilst providing an abundant supply of nectar-rich flowers to attract beneficial insects 
  • Also available with Timothy or Strong Creeping Red Fescue.

Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha 
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

40% Perennial Ryegrass, 35% Common Vetch, 5% Crimson Clover, 8% Sainfoin, 2.5% Alsike Clover, 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 2.5% Lucerne, 2.5% Black Medick
Countryside Stewardship

Countryside Stewardship

Two Year Sown Legume Fallow Mix (2021 Schemes onwards)
Provides a rich source of pollen and nectar for pollinators including Bumblebees, Solitary Bees, Butterflies and Hoverflies. As well as invertebrate chick food for farmland birds between April and July. Inclusive of Ryegrass aimed at reducing blackgrass populations.

  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • For schemes that began in 2021 onwards

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