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CIPM2 | IPM2 | AB8 - Wildflower Meadow Seed (FS3)

CIPM2 | IPM2 | AB8 - Wildflower Meadow Seed (FS3)
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £222.00 £11.10/kg
5-20 Save 5% £210.00 £10.50/kg
21+ Save 10% £199.00 £9.95/kg
Next Day Delivery
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM2 CIPM2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB8 GS4 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
  • Nectar rich habitat for insects and small mammals 
  • Includes wider range of grass, legumes and wildflowers 
Sowing rate: 20kg/ha
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

30% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 10.75% Chewing's Fescue, 10% Hard Fescue, 10% Timothy, 10% Slender Creeping Red Fescue, 6% Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass, 5% Red Clover, 5% Sainfoin, 4% Sheep's Fescue, 2.5% Alsike Clover, 1.5% Ribwort Plantain, 1.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 0.75% Yarrow, 0.5% Meadow Foxtail, 0.5% Selfheal, 0.5% Oxeye Daisy, 0.5% Sheep's Sorrel, 0.5% Common Knapweed, 0.5% Wild Carrot

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