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Grazing Mixtures

​Buy grass seed for long-term grazing from Farm Seeds - delivered direct to farm with quick delivery. Choose from a range of mixtures comprising high-quality species and cultivars.

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FS Meat and Milk - 5 year + Ley Mix (with Clover) Grass Seed Mixture

FS Meat and Milk - 5 year + Ley Mix (with Clover) Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Dual purpose mixture for longer term leys 
  • Inclusion of timothy aids winter hardiness 
  • Includes a blend of diploid and tetraploid varieties 

Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

41% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 44% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 10% Timothy, 5% White Clover

Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £69.00 £4.93/kg
5-20 Save 5% £65.00 £4.64/kg
21+ Save 10% £62.00 £4.43/kg

FS Meat and Milk - 5 year + Ley Mix (without Clover) Grass Seed Mixture

FS Meat and Milk - 5 year + Ley Mix (without Clover) Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Dual purpose ley mix for over 5 years
  • Inclusion of timothy aids winter hardiness 
  • Diploid and tetraploid varieties for good spring yields 

Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

45% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 50% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Timothy

Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £60.00 £4.29/kg
5-20 Save 5% £57.00 £4.07/kg
21+ Save 10% £54.00 £3.86/kg

FS Permanent Pasture - 5 year + Ley Mix (with Clover) Grass Seed Mixture

FS Permanent Pasture - 5 year + Ley Mix (with Clover) Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Dual purpose mixture for over 5 years inclusive of clover 
  • Quick Spring growth allowing for early turnout 
  • Timothy improves the palability of summer forage 

Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

20% intermediate tetraploid ryegrass, 20% intermediate diploid ryegrass, 20% late diploid ryegrass, 20% late tetraploid ryegrass, 15% timothy, 5% white clover 

Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £71.00 £5.07/kg
5-20 Save 5% £67.00 £4.79/kg
21+ Save 10% £63.00 £4.50/kg

FS Permanent Pasture - 5 year + Ley Mix (without Clover) Grass Seed Mixture

FS Permanent Pasture - 5 year + Ley Mix (without Clover)  Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Long term grazing for sheep and cattle
  • Contains only NIAB recommended varieties
  • A high percentage of diploids tolerates hard grazing
Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

25% intermediate tetraploid ryegrass, 15% intermediate diploid ryegrass, 30% late diploid ryegrass, 20% late tetraploid ryegrass, 10% timothy

Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £62.00 £4.43/kg
5-20 Save 5% £58.00 £4.14/kg
21+ Save 10% £55.00 £3.93/kg

FS Meadow Max, Old Fashioned - 5 Year + Ley Mix Grass Seed Mixture

FS Meadow Max, Old Fashioned - 5 Year + Ley Mix Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • A blend of traditional, non-aggressive grass species
  • Tolerant of both wet and dry conditions 
  • Can be used for grazing and cutting 

Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

24% meadow fescue, 35% creeping red fescue, 25% timothy, 8% smooth stalked meadow grass, 3% rough stalked meadow grass, 4% sheeps' fescue and 1% meadow foxtail 

Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £84.00 £6.00/kg
5-20 Save 5% £79.00 £5.64/kg
21+ Save 10% £75.00 £5.36/kg

Permanent Pasture (with PUNA II Chicory) Grass Seed Mixture

Permanent Pasture (with PUNA II Chicory) Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • A long-term persistent ley with a dense sward
  • Suitable for livestock systems
  • Excellent spring and autumn growth for year round performance.
Sow at 14kg/acre
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

  • 4.2kg Nifty Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
  • 4kgAberWolf Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass 
  • 3kg Delika Late Perennial Ryegrass
  • 1kg Comer Timothy 
  • 1kg AberPasture White Clover Blend 
  • 0.8kg Puna II Perennial Chicory 
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £118.00 £8.43/kg
5-20 Save 5% £112.00 £8.00/kg
21+ Save 10% £106.00 £7.57/kg

Clover Ley (PUNA II Option) Grass Seed Mixture

Clover Ley (PUNA II Option) Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Ideal for 1 early cut followed by intensive aftermath grazing
  • Suitable for intensive rotational grazing systems
  • Grows well in dry and drought conditions 
Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

  • 3kg AberDart Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass 
  • 3kg AstonEnergy Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (tet)
  • 3.2kg Delika Late Perennial Ryegrass
  • 2kg Calao Late Perennial Ryegrass (tet) 
  • 1kg AberDairy White Clover Blend 
  • 1kg AberPasture White Clover Blend
  • 0.8kg Puna II Perennial Chicory 
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £122.00 £8.71/kg
5-20 Save 5% £115.00 £8.21/kg
21+ Save 10% £109.00 £7.79/kg

FS Cut and Graze - 3-5 Year Ley Mix (with Clover) Grass Seed Mixture

FS Cut and Graze - 3-5 Year Ley Mix (with Clover)  Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Year round performance for cutting and grazing 
  • Dense sward to withstand high stocking density
  • Can be used in anaerobic digestors 

Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

35% Hybrid Ryegrass, 28% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 32% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 5% White Clover

Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £61.00 £4.36/kg
5-20 Save 5% £57.00 £4.07/kg
21+ Save 10% £54.00 £3.86/kg

FS Cut and Graze - 3-5 Year Ley Mixture (without Clover) Grass Seed Mixture

FS Cut and Graze - 3-5 Year Ley Mixture (without Clover) Grass Seed Mixture
5-7 Day Delivery


  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Dual purpose mixture suitable for cutting and grazing 
  • Available with clover for improved palatability 
  • Can withstand heavy traffic with a dense sward 

Sowing rate: 14kg/ac
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

35% Hybrid Ryegrass, 28% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 37% Late Perennial Ryegrass
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £54.00 £3.86/kg
5-20 Save 5% £51.00 £3.64/kg
21+ Save 10% £48.00 £3.43/kg

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