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FS5P 100%: Heavy Clay Soils Wildflower Seed Mixture

FS5P 100%: Heavy Clay Soils Wildflower Seed Mixture
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £133.33
5-20 Save 5% £126.00
21+ Save 10% £119.00
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Contains twenty three British native wildflower species, including Common Agrimony, Betony, Corn Chamomile, and Meadowsweet.
Species in this mixture are frequently found in grassland on heavier soils subject to occasional/seasonal water logging. Suitable for low lying areas on clays and silts, or, locations with poor drainage.
Sowing rate: 3g/sqm
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

Common Agrimony 10%, Lady's bedstraw 3%, Betony 2%, Black medick 6%, Salad burnet 7%, Meadow buttercup 5%, White campion 3%, Wild Carrot 3%, Wild Clary 3%, Cowslip 1%, Ox-eye daisy 3%, Common Knapweed 9%, Greater Knapweed 5%, Meadowsweet 2%, Hoary plantain 2%, Ribwort plantain 3%, Common Poppy 1%, Ragged robin 4%, Field Scabious 8%, Self-heal 5%, Common Sorrel 5%, Tufted vetch 3%, Yarrow 3%, Yellow-rattle 4%

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