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FSBM 80/20%: Bee and Butterfly Wildflower Seed Mixture

FSBM 80/20%: Bee and Butterfly Wildflower Seed Mixture
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £41.00
5-20 Save 5% £38.00
21+ Save 10% £36.00
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Bright and beautiful British native wildflowers, attractive to bees and butterflies.
Contains suitable grasses for meadow creation plus 20% native wildflower species plus borage and sainfoin to encourage a wide range of pollinating insects and other wildlife.
Sowing rate: 5g/sqm
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

Common Agrimony 0.2%, Borage 1.4%, Wild Clary 0.8%, Red clover 0.6%, White clover 0.2%, Corn cockle 1.6%, Cornflower 1.2%, Ox-eye daisy 1%, Wild Foxglove 0.6%, Common Knapweed 1.2%, Greater Knapweed 1%, Purple loosestrife 0.2%, Wild Marjoram 0.2%, Meadow Cranesbil 0.2%,  Musk mallow 1%, Common Poppy 1%, Ragged robin 0.4%, Sainfoin 1.4%,  Field Scabious 1.4%,  Small scabious 0.6%, Teasel 0.2%, Bird's-foot trefoil 0.4%, Kidney vetch 0.4%,  Viper's bugloss 0.4%,  Yarrow 1%, Yellow Rattle 1.4%, Common bent 4%, Crested dog's tail 20%, Sheeps fescue 16%, Slender creeping red fescue 24%, Smooth-stalked meadow grass 6.4%, Smaller cat's tail 9.6%

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