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CSAM3 | SAM3 | GS4 - Herbal Ley (FS2)

CSAM3 | SAM3 | GS4 - Herbal Ley (FS2)
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £127.00 £6.35/kg
5-20 Save 5% £120.00 £6.00/kg
21+ Save 10% £114.00 £5.70/kg
2-3 Day Delivery
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM3 CSAM3
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2 
  • A mixture containing grasses, legumes, herbs, and wildflowers 
  • Provides habitat and food for beneficial insects and pollinators 
Sowing rate: 20kg/ha
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

40% Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 10% Vetch, 8% Meadow Fescue, 7% Timothy, 5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, 5% Red Clover, 2% Persian Clover, 1.25% Lucerne, 0.5% Sheep's Burnet, 0.25% Sheep's Parsley, 0.25% Plantain, 0.25% Yarrow, 0.25% Black Medick, 0.25% Birdsfoot Trefoil
Countryside Stewardship

Countryside Stewardship

Legume and Herb-Rich Swards
A vigorous sward that's inclusive of legumes and herbs, suitable for productive cattle and sheep. Also providing habitat and food for invertebrates and pollinators as well as improving soil structure and water infiltration.

  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2 

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